31 October 2008


Until today, it's been slow-going-sewing in the land of clevergirl.org. Focus has been on Halloween, and today I finished a Princess Leia costume for a friend's 6-month-old -- she promised pictures I could post, forthcoming -- and my son has decided he wanted to be a ladybug so we whipped something up this afternoon. Unfortunately, he got sick last night with a really high fever and now has a sore throat, and he wasn't in much of a mood to trick-or-treat. He just wanted to eat the candy we'd bought for visiting trick-or-treaters! So no photo of him today in the entire costume, but perhaps tomorrow if he's feeling better.

My sweet blogging buddy, Columbia Lily, sent me an email this week asking where I've gone! I have been working A LOT this month in my day job, having travelled to 4 different cities. I've missed you all, though I've been trying to keep up with your blogs and leaving the occasional comment. Fun stuff coming up for my sewing, now that I have two weeks off: a girls' outfit I am donating to a preschool silent auction fundraiser, and a couple of new, cool patterns.

For the time being, Becky over at Sew-and-So tagged me with a 7 random things meme, so here goes:

1. For most of my 20's, I could not adjust the volume on any TV to an odd number. Even if the volume was best at a 5, I would click to a 4 and strain my ears or to a 6 and deal with the extra volume. One day it just stopped bothering me!

2. My fabric choices (and also my clothing choices) are first and foremost tactile-driven. If I don't like the way it feels, I walk away.  Even if it's synthetic but feels nice, I'm OK (hello, rayon!).

3. I love spas but haven't gotten a mani or pedi in at least 5 years.  One manicure resulted in sore fingertips for a week, and one pedi resulted in an ingrown toenail.  Motivated me to handle those myself.

4. The smell of raisin bran makes me want to vomit.

5. When I was 17, my favorite phrase was, "What's up, chicken butt?"

6. During my entire 13 years having a traditional job (where someone kept track of my attendance), I never called in sick.  Not one single sick day in 13 years.  Probably should have stayed home a couple times, but overall my immune system before I had a child was bulletproof.  Now?  Not so much, but still good.

7. The first album I ever purchased was Phil Collins' No Jacket Required.  Several songs from this album were played over and over, in between sessions at a conference I attended a few weeks ago.  :)

Now I tag seven people?  Go for it if you like, don't if you don't (or if you already have)! :
* Tina from Glam.Spoon
* Kyle from Vacuuming the Lawn
* Dana from MADE
* Sarah from Sewer-Sewist
* Columbia Lily (I know your last name but not your first!  On purpose?)
* Lopi from Fashion Architect


  1. eeh...I have another blog and I try to keep my professional life separate for now, since I vent about things and people I work with. I have no objections to telling you my name via email. =) but I can't find yours.

  2. Thanks for the tag! I'll jump into it!
    I was also wondering where you've been, but I guessed it was work related. Not all of the bloggers out there are students (me), some (you) actually have real jobs!


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