20 July 2009

158. Coco Before Chanel

I love Audrey Tautou. I'll be cheering for this movie. Might be in a theater near us on September 25. [BTW, IMDB says it's rated PG-13 for sexual content and smoking. And smoking? First time I've seen that!]


  1. It looks wonderful! I can't wait to see it.

  2. sMoKiNg??? that is hilarious. I can't wait to see the movie either. thanks for the trailer!

  3. I don't know much about her, but the movie trailer looks like something I'd enjoy. And oddly enough, I'm more likely to get my husband to join me at a foreign chick flick than an English language one. He particularly likes that genre, don't ask me why and don't tell him I said so! (Incidentally, Amelie was his top choice to name our second daughter.)

  4. Cool preview. I can't wait to see it. I'm sure it will be truly inspirational.

  5. Ooo... i LoVE Audrey Tautou, too! This looks good.

  6. I'm going to try to convince some friends to see it with me. I love her and the subject is clearly fascinating!

  7. @Pam - Let's go! What flight you taking to Austin?

    @glam.spoon - I have been on the lookout for that PG-13 for smoking rating, and I saw it again on IMDB for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button!

    @Sarah - My first college roommate, who I absolutely did not get along with, was a Coco Chanel fanatic. She'd spent all her summer job money on every Chanel perfume she could get her hands on. So I've known a little about Chanel, but have read so much more in recent years about Karl Lagerfeld. He's a Facebook friend, you know. LOL

    @Lisa H.- Did you drool over that jacket Audrey Tautou is wearing at the end? I know I did!

    @NGLaLaLa - I love her, too! Some of my fave Chanel images are Audrey Tautou red-carpet photos in which she is wearing Chanel.

    @ambika - Let's compare notes after we see it! Though I bet you'll get it in Seattle before we will in Austin.


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