20 March 2009

121. Spring Breakey!

Spring breakey from pantsey!  Subtle, no?  Sorry for my lack of/ late comments on everyone else's sew-along-ish pants posts.  My internet access has been spotty (see paragraph below) but as of tonight I've updated the sew-along section in the right-hand column.  Extra apologies to DD - for some reason I am not getting your RSS feed as I am the other participants so I am not as punctual adding your updates.

It's been a busy spring break here in ATX.  We moved -- long story, more space, closer to Lou's school -- but moves are always at least a little stressful and this one has been kind of long and drawn out.

We didn't go out of town but got out into the sunshine every single day.  It has been beautiful and warm and I got some great tree shots like this one:

In case you're wondering how warm the sunshine was, we went to one of the most popular local parks on the hottest day this week -- it felt like 90 in the sun! -- when the pool was packed, the line for the kiddie train went forever, and we made it to the bottom of a green sno-cone:

Tomorrow morning I'm driving to San Antonio to meet Vacuuming the Lawn's Kyle, who's attending a conference there for a few days.  She's come all the way from snowy New Jersey to hot Texas and it's kind of fun to finally meet someone I've only known online for this last year or so.  More pics to come!


  1. Hey hey! I'm in San Antonio now--love the warmth! See you soon!!!

  2. you know me and those tree pictures....and I LOVE that one!

    It's been cold here, I ALMOST miss Texas

    and I've been wondering where you've been! Glad everything is ok!

  3. oohhhhhh i love the pictures.
    and you are so hilarious. i look forward to your comments. harhar. they totally make my day! :)

  4. Hmmm... now that you've said it, I'm not getting DD's feeds either. Thanks for the heads up.

    I can't believe you planned a sew-along in the same month you planned to move. Or did you know you were moving?

    I moved last year in March. I'm 98% settled in.

  5. You have been busy! Good luck with the move...always stressful. And I want some heat!

  6. lovely tree photo... can you send a little of that warmth toward the PNW?


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