04 December 2008

Refashion 9: Finally Fall Flannel Shirtdress from Mens Button Down Shirt

I imagine sometimes the journey each of these shirts took before ending up in my hands.  I think this one came from a young man named Jeremy, who was raised in a single-mom home in Colorado.  He loved to be outside.  This shirt was a gift for him from someone he loved.  He didn't wear it often, but it didn't fit an Austin lifestyle.  Who needs to wear cotton flannel in Austin?  Maybe for one month a year.  So it ended up at the thrift store, in excellent condition, and ready for my sewing hands.
The best part about this shirt is that it had a straight hem, and since it was a big and long shirt, it was a perfect length for a shirtdress.  I chose Simplicity 2885 - just one side bust dart.

I kind of like how it turned out, though the sleeves feel less than finished.  Oh, wait, probably 'cause they are not quite finished.  I just turned the bottom under instead of adding a cuff.  And I sewed one size larger than I normally do so I can wear a t-shirt and leggings underneath, so it's basically barely fitted, not semi-fitted at all.  All in all, though, not too shabby.

back yoke, up close and personal

sleeve pleats

My Simplicity 2885 pattern review here.


  1. I'm adding the same sleeve pleats to my V8495 view C. I didn't like the turn back cuff, so I thought to repeat the pleat from the CF of the front panel on the sleeve's hem. I also didn't add the outer-space-cadet collar. Don't count on a PR review, but I might blog a little about it since you and 404momi had been so encouraging. And since I'm sewing it up in this fabric that really accentuates the space-cadet look. Think aluminum foil. Stay tuned...

  2. How do you do it?!!
    Here's a brief list of reasons why I should do one myself:
    1) I looooove shirtdresses.
    2) I kinda know how to sew.
    3) I already have my own sewing machine.
    4) I reaaally want to!

    Whenever you have some time and feel like it, I would so appreciate a list of things to have in mind when attempting such a refashion. A tutorial is too much to ask, I guess... But simple advice and details like if you re-sew the collar and how to re-attach the sleeves easily would be really appreciated!

  3. I was just thinking about plaid refashions today... was browsing Anthro and they had all sorts of cute button-up blouses with plaid. Now I'm even more inspired!

  4. WOW! That looks great! I don't see any problems at all! We're our own harshest critics. If you wanted to, you could add side ties (via a ribbon or sewing together remnants from the long sleeves) to make it more fitted, but I think it looks great!

  5. looks comfy! love the back yoke...i need to try this pattern!

  6. geek sewing - You know I'm looking forward to seeing your V8495!

    lopi - I think I can offer some tips on getting started with refashioning shirts, specifically into shirt dresses. Might not be for another couple of weeks, as I am going out of town (AGAIN) next week, but I can pass on info that is helpful to you in at least some small way.

    Becky - I have a small stack of men's shirts that are plaids! And this is the right season for them, so... hope you'll get into the plaid refashion action soon.

    Kyle - Thanks for your sweet comment, and for the idea about the tie back. I had never thought of it, but it's a perfect solution for taking in just an extra inch to define the waist more.

    mary kate - I highly recommend this pattern. It is so easy and I found it well drafted. Hope to see yours!


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