16 January 2008

Martha Stewart Baby Kimono Top

I remember lovingly collecting issues of Martha Stewart Baby when I was pregnant almost 6 years ago, perusing through the beautifully styled pages, and hoping that I was ready to give that picture-perfect life to my unborn child.

Fast-forward the tape to the first year after my son was born, and it is pretty evident that painting a custom sea-life mural across his bedroom walls wasn't a priority anymore. "Just keep the kid alive" was the name of the game!

When he turned three, we moved, and the Martha Stewart Baby magazines resurfaced. I found this pattern for a baby kimono and fell in love again. Armed with motivation to sew again, I tackled this project and completed it! I guess it was technically the first garment I sewed, even though it wasn't for me.

I don't have much more to say about this that I haven't covered in my Martha Stewart Baby Kimono review on patternreview.com, except that now my son appreciates everything I sew for him. I may draft a new pattern for a kimono style jacket for him in a wintery fabric, and maybe sew up some kimono shirts and matching shorts for summer sleepwear. I'm betting a couple of years I won't have a ton of influence in what I sew for him if I actually want to see him wear it!

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