01 August 2009

161. Chanel-Style Blog Header

Just a quick little weekend note. In case you haven't noticed, there's a bit of Chanel madness 'round these parts. The new sew-along blog badge is in the sidebar and, with the Chanel-style font on my computer, I couldn't help but mess around with my own blog header and have a little fun.

The last blog overhaul was around for maybe a month... I'll try to keep this one around longer for some continuity. ;)


  1. I totally love love love what you did with your header. It is so funny, and clever, yes very clever. The badge is very cute too.

  2. So clever! I like this version, the font is much easier for me to read than your last one.

  3. I totally agree with Mary Nanna. Two clever headers in a row!

    Cheering you on!

  4. I think you should have this design made up in gold-coloured metal, and sell 'em on etsy.

  5. Hey Clever Girl, I just noticed that my link (Faye L.) on the sidebar of the Chanel blog does not work. Just thought I'd let you know.

  6. Thank you, ladies! I appreciate your appreciation. :) xo

  7. wow! that's truly a CLEVER header! :)

  8. @glam.spoon - THANKS. ;)

    @mushroommeadows - There's that word again, clever. LOL


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